Squarespace SEO Package

Prices start at $1500 for past web-design clients and $1800 for non-web-design clients.

Climb In Rankings with Squarespace Organic SEO!

Are you ready to make Google absolutely adore your Squarespace site?

Introducing your secret weapon to climbing the search engine ranks and getting noticed by the right audience!

What is Squarespace Organic SEO?

Squarespace Organic SEO is like giving your website a supercharged GPS, helping it navigate and stand out in the vast world of search engines.

Our service focuses on:

  1. Image Optimization

    We compress your images for faster load times. Faster load times = happier visitors (and search engines)!

  2. Image Alt Text

    We write your alt text with keywords/phrases for SEO, while also making sure to use best practices in naming. We do it like Harvard suggests.

  1. Meta Descriptions that Matter: We write meta titles and descriptions for every page on your site using keywords/phrases.

  2. Intelligent Image Naming: We choose names that speak to both your audience and search algorithms.

  3. Perfect Title Tags

  4. Setting Up for Success: From the ground up, we ensure every aspect of your site is tuned for SEO excellence.

Why Squarespace Organic SEO?

  • Get Found: Improve your visibility on Google and other search engines. The higher you rank, the more your target audience finds you.

  • Rank Above the Competition: Have every image optimized, every meta description the perfect length, every alt text completed, every meta title keyword optimized - and show up higher than the competition on Google organic search.

  • Enhanced User Experience: A fast, well-optimized site keeps visitors happy and engaged.

  • Long-Term Benefits: Good SEO practices pay off over time, bringing organic traffic and qualified leads. This work is never done, but we offer a low-cost package to keep you ahead of the rest.

What You'll Get:

  • Comprehensive SEO audit with score and optimization strategy

  • Tailored Organic SEO for every aspect of your entire site

  • Sitemap and Google Index requesting

  • The option to stay on our monthly retainer and have us update your site and score monthly ($97/mo.)

Ready to Rank Higher?

Whether you're a small business, a blogger, a creative, or an e-commerce site, if you're on Squarespace and want to get noticed, this service is your golden ticket.

Say goodbye to being a needle in the digital haystack!

Start your journey with Squarespace Organic SEO.

Let's make Google love you!